About mandala coloring healing
Your Introduction to the Healing Powers of Mandala Coloring Pages
“I awaken to the power of the mandala,
A sacred circle of light and energy,
A pathway to center—to my center and to the universal All,
A channel for healing body, mind, and spirit”
What exactly is a Mandala?
Would you be surprised to learn that mandalas have existed since the beginning of time and that you probably witness and experience their beauty every day? Simply stated, a mandala is a sacred circle.
The word mandala comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and loosely means “circle” or “center.” It’s a simple geometric shape that has no beginning or end. Within its circular shape, the mandala has the power to promote relaxation, balance the body’s energies, enhance your creativity, and support healing. The great news is you can achieve all of these benefits while having fun with your mandala coloring pages.
Where Do Mandalas Come From?
Look around you and notice how abundantly the circular pattern of the mandala appears in your environment. You can see this geometric shape in all aspects of life. The sun in the sky, the nucleus of the cells in your body, and the pristine design of a snowflake all reflect the sacred roundness of the mandala. In fact, according to the ancient science of Sacred Geometry, it is the pattern created by interlocking spheres that forms the matrix of all universal matter.
When you consider the mandala’s ancient roots and its use in indigenous practices around the globe, you begin to understand why it’s such a part of our planetary culture.
To the Tibetan monks, the sand mandala represents multi-dimensional fields of spiritual consciousness and the state of enlightenment. To the Native Americans, the medicine wheel, a form of mandala, symbolizes sacred ceremonial space and the circle of life. In both eastern and western cultures, the mandala has come to symbolize harmony, unity, wholeness, and healing.
In truth, the mandala is all of these representations and even more.
How Do Mandala Coloring Pages Activate the Mandala’s Healing Powers?
Mandalas are used universally to promote healing and other positive states of being. Why? One explanation comes from its very design. The mandala is a circular matrix with a center point—a point from which all things are possible. From this sacred center comes forth infinite possibilities and unlimited potential. When you use your mandala coloring pages, you’re expressing your desires for healing and wellness.
You’re also acknowledging and declaring your own unlimited potential!
You can think of the mandala as being energetically alive, a means of creating a pathway to a desired state of being. What state of being do you desire to create? Maybe you want to experience inner peace or maybe you simply want to use the circular pattern to express your artistry. For whatever purpose you choose to work with the mandala, know that you can achieve it through mandala coloring.
Imagine yourself with your mandala coloring pages in front of you. All you have to do is set your intention and awaken your mandalas by infusing them with color. It’s that simple and that powerful.
Amazing as it sounds, by simply coloring mandalas, you can accomplish the following:
• Relax & enhance your meditation
• Balance your body, your mind, and your spirit
• Make a spiritual connection
• Expand your creativity
• Increase your self-awareness
• Encourage your self-expression
• Just have fun, alone or with your friends
How Do You Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala?
One of the easiest and most effective ways to experience the healing power of the mandala is by using mandala coloring pages. Why are mandala coloring pages such an effective tool for healing? First of all, coloring is fun and relaxing. It’s an enjoyable way to express your creativity. And, it’s an activity you can fully participate in whether you’re 4 or 94 years old.
Do you want more proof on why you too can easily unlock the healing powers within the mandala coloring pages?
• There is no right or wrong way to color a mandala.
• You can color just about anywhere.
• Coloring lifts your spirits and brings out the child in you.
• You can color at your own pace.
• You don’t have to follow any rules when you color.
• Kids and adults alike enjoy coloring.
• You know you’re creating a unique work of art.
• You can share the experience by coloring in groups.
• It’s affordable.
• It activates the intuitive genius within you.
Are you ready to tap into your healing pathways through mandala coloring pages?
When you use your mandala coloring pages, you’re expressing who you are and where you are on life’s journey. You’re giving intangible thoughts and feelings both form and substance. Best of all, you’re activating the healings powers of the sacred circle. Start experiencing the magical healing powers of mandala coloring now, you can get your free mandala coloring pages right here: www.mandalacoloringmeditation.com.
Just remember that mandala coloring is an easy and effective way to bring about transformational changes in your life!
Steven Vrancken – Artist, Belgium
Helping you explore creative self healing